F(l)etching indeed

Fletching Silk Scarf
by Angela Roberge

Finished Measurements:
6″ x 78″

2 skeins Noro Silk Garden [45% silk, 45% kid mohair, 10% lambs wool; 100m/50g] Colour 84
5.0mm circular needles
tapestry needle

4 stitches per inch [Gauge not critical for this project].


yoo – wrap yarn around needle twice
DD – double decrease – slip 2 sts together as if to knit, k1 then pass the two slipped stitches over


Cast on 25 stitches.
Row 1: Purl
**Row 2:  K1, ssk, k4, yoo, k4, DD, k4, yoo, k4, k2tog, k1
Row 3: P6, [p1, k1 into the yoo], p9, [p1, k1 into the yoo], p6**

Repeat Rows 2 & 3 (ending on Row 3) until you have just enough yarn to…

Final Row: Knit all (25) stitches.

Bind off in purl.

Weave in ends and block.

About Angela

My name is Angela, but I answer to Ang, Andrea, and Mommy. I am 42 years old, but somehow feel both 26 and 149. Sometimes at the same time. I love Jesus, but hate at least 2/3rds of the humans He created. I consider myself a good wife but a lousy housekeeper. I love being a mother but don’t particularly like children. Quality time and sarcasm are my Love Languages. Yes! You absolutely can drop by, provided you give me 15 minutes to panic-clean and put on pants. I know that 1 in every 33 births result in multiples. I know that gap narrows to 1 in 12 for subsequent pregnancies. I know this is why my tubes are cut, burned, and tied. Not today, Satan. I can recite the entire script of The Princess Bride, (including accents) and believe that the meaning of life is contained within. Birth stories, theDodo.com, and Soldiers-returning-home videos make me happy-ugly-cry. Being interrupted, a poorly made bed, and that Christmas Shoes song make me want to punch somebody. I’m an extrovert with crushing social anxiety. To deal with stress, I crack jokes. They will be awkward and make the situation 10x worse. I can whistle and hum at the same time, but I cannot touch my toes. I look grand in orange, red, and pink, but rubbish in yellow and blue. I am a writer. I have a dog named Henri. I have a brother named Adam. They are not related. I am slightly neurotic. No I’m not. Yes I am.

13 responses »

  1. Can you help? I am new to knitting but would like to try this scarf. I’m having trouble with the abbreviations in the pattern. I keep ending up with extra stiches.

  2. Are you still looking for help with this pattern? I know it’s a year later and maybe you’ve learned a lot more about knitting but let me know.

  3. I’m having lots of trouble too! I think the pattern is confusing me. It looks like in order to complete Row 2, you need to have a total of 29 stitches on the needle. Is this correct? I keep coming up short when it comes to the final k4, k2tog, k1. Help please!

    • Nope, 25 works, however, I should probably write that line differently:

      K1, ssk, k4, yoo, k4, DD, k4, yoo, k4, k2tog, k1

      yoo – wrap yarn around needle twice
      dd – slip 2 sts together as if to knit, k1, psso

      Is that more clear?

      • Got it!! The part that screwed me up was actually the “yarn over twice” thing. I was using up stitches for that part thinking that I would do a single yo twice, thus using 2 stitches each time…..oops!

  4. I need a translation as well. On the second row, the way I’m interpreting the stitches, it comes out that I only need 24 stitches, instead of 25, but then again, there are some stitches and abbreviations that are new to me, so I’m probably doing something wrong.

    • Here’s the stitches counted out.

      The # in the bracket is the stitch number

      Row 2: K1(1), ssk(2&3), k4 (4-7), yoo, k4(8-11), DD(12-14), k4(15-18), yoo, k4(19-22), k2tog(23&24), k1(25).

      I hope that helps.


      PS. Which abbreviations are unfamiliar to you?

      • It was the DD that was confusing me, I was only combining 2 stitches instead of 3.
        ssk and yoo were new to me, but google pointed me where I needed to go and you clarified the last thing.
        Thanks a bunch~

      • I’m glad you were able to get it all worked out.

        DD is described in the pattern, so you should be all good, now!

        I look forward to seeing pictures. Are you on Ravelry?


  5. I do happen to be on Ravelry! I recently got it though, so I’m still figuring things out. That’s actually how I found this pattern. I’ve been looking for a not overly complex pattern that’s still elegant and was more than overjoyed at finding this one~

  6. I am curious as to why a scarf that appears to be worked flat calls for circular needles.. I ask because I want to make one, and don’t want to start it until I’m sure this isn’t a typo.

    • Hi there.

      It’s not a typo. I knit everything with circulars, whether the project is flat or not. If you’re more comfortable knitting with straights, however, it’ll work just as well.

      Happy knitting!


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